One Nation One Election: Impact on Federalism…


Simultaneous election means that a single voter will vote on the same day for both Lok sabha and State legislative assembly elections and elections will be conducted in all states in phasewise manner.

Brief history:

News Jungal desk: Simultaneous election is nothing new for indian parliamentary democracy rather, until 1967 it was a norm.

First simultaneous election for lok sabha and state legislative assemblies were held in 1951-52.

This practice continued in three subsequent general elections, held in years 1957, 1962 and 1967.

However, due to premature dissolution of some state legislative assemblies in 1968 and 1969, the cycle got disrupted.

Lok Sabha itself dissolved prematurely in 1970.Thus, the first, second and third Lok Sabha enjoyed full five terms.

As a result of premature dissolutions and extension of terms for both Lok Sabha and state assemblies, now there have been separate elections for both and the cycle for simultaneous election got disrupted.

The proposal of One Nation and One Election has been put forward by the Modi government which means conduction of simultaneous elections.

Model of Conduct:

For tenure stabilization for both parliament and assemblies will recquire constitutional amendments of five articles and amendment of representation of people’s act 1951.

Article 83:tenure of houses of parliament.
Article 172
:tenure of state legislatures.
Article 85
:dissolution of Lok Sabha.
Article 174:dissolution of state assemblies.
Article 356:president’s rule.

It will recquire 2\3 majority of parliament’s Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and ratification by at least half of country’s state assemblies.

It will also recquire Election Commission’s powers and functions to facilitate the process, necessary for simultaneous elections.

Arguments in favour:

1)Incalculable Economic Costs of Election: simultaneous elections will decrease huge expenses, as in 2019 Lok Sabha elections $8.5 billion were spent, while in U.S. presidential elections $6.5 billion were spent.

2)Policy paralysis: Frequent disruptions induced by Model Code of Conduct also affects the government functionary, now, no new significant policy can be announced or executed after the elections are announced.It adversely impacts the service delivery to a common.

3)Adminstrative costs:there are many visible and invisible costs of deploying security forces and transporting them, repeatedly.
one bigger cost, paid by nation is diverting forces from sensitive areas and these cross country deployments bring immense fatigue and illness.

4)According to Law Commission, it will increase the turnout of voters. It will also increase vigilance, now, all the government staff can be used at a single time and factors such as Black Money and Booth Capturing will be reduced.

Arguments Against:

1)State assembly elections are mostly fought on more inherent state related problems such as education, health law and order also supply of vital services water, electricity.Simultaneous elections can cloud the voters judgement and distract them from the problems that are more important to country.

2) Federal problem:simultaneous elections are very difficult to would arbitrarily curtail or extend the terms of existing legislatures and bring their election dates along wih due date for the rest of the country.such measure would undermine democracy and federalism.

3)Against the spirit of Democracy:Forcing simultaneous election is also against the spirit of Democracy because it forces artificial cycle of elections and also restricts the choice of voters.

4)Regional prties at disadvantage:Regional parties are suppose to be at disadvantage because in simultaneous election, voters will reportedly vote predominanty to dominant party and political leaders that gives centre extra advantage.

5)Reduced Accountability:face the electorate more than once in every five years enhances accountability of politicians and keep them on their toes.

6)If a party loses power in mid term or any minister is removed or died, the seat will go vacant then conducting simultaneous elections would be very difficult.


Elections are the most basic necessity to operate so it is of utmost significance how it should be performed.elections are means of serving individuals but it should not become democracy’s only significant factor.

Amendments in constitution and other laws should be done in such a way that it doesn’t hurt the basic tenets of democracy and federalism.

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